Weather forecast for your Holiday in Sölden

Temperature: -6°C/21°F
Fineweather: 90%
Frostborder: 0
Temperature: -6°C/21°F
Fineweather: 90%
Frostborder: 0

Temperature: 1°C/34°F
Fineweather: 100%
Frostborder: 1700
Temperature: 1°C/34°F
Fineweather: 100%
Frostborder: 1700

Temperature: 4°C/39°F
Fineweather: 100%
Frostborder: 2000
Temperature: 4°C/39°F
Fineweather: 100%
Frostborder: 2000

Temperature: 5°C/41°F
Fineweather: 80%
Frostborder: 2300
Temperature: 5°C/41°F
Fineweather: 80%
Frostborder: 2300
Meteorologists particularly like their job when it comes to forecasting a fantastic winter day! A strong area of high pressure over the Alps continues to dominate our weather. We will therefore get persistent sunshine today.
The high pressure area that will form today is strong enough to control the European weather for quite a while! We will therefore experience a good deal of sunny days and very mild temperatures. The wind will be very weak.